Listen to “Vaccine Hydrogel Ingredient, CDC Detainment Camps” on Spreaker.
In this episode we reveal what has been discovered as a “secret ingredient” in the vaccine by a whistleblower Spanish Dr La Quinta Columna who a team of researchers exposed as the delivery component. We will connect this with Hydrogel that we had talked about a year ago and how it relates to AI and the Internet of Things.
Check out the episode we did a year ago exposing Hydrogel
A friend of mine offers a remedy for reversing magnetization. I can’t guarantee results, but here it is:
The vaccine gel may also trigger 5G magnetism attracting electromagnetic frequencies, some suspect may be used like wifi to connect DNA with a centralized computer system extracting information about each person. May explain the phenomena for magnets sticking to the local injection spot on the arm, and traveling as the gel seeps in.
The CDC issued a protocol last year that it would enact detainment camps, or similar facilities to isolate those who pose a health risk to others. We would think this might be those who get infected, but the wording extends to those who pose a risk rejecting the vaccine as well. Legislation in individual States also have begun steps towards this action. The DHS sent out an advisory update on those who pose a threat as domestic terrorists.
We had also discussed the Internment for Resettlement of the Army brochure which accompanies this information to identify domestic terrorism as “extremists.” Now includes those who have grievance for the “Official Narrative” for the virus and who are vocal against the vaccine.