NYS passed an experimental Excelsior Pass program in which calls for a mobil device app for proof of vaccination to present to establishments. As other States may also have a means for Vaccine passports. Yes this is likely to spread to other places to mandate you present certification upon entry into a venue or business. We think it is a way to enforce vaccination, which leads us to believe it is an agenda.
Listen to “Vaccine Passports for the Vaccine Agenda” on Spreaker.
Is there an agenda surrounding the requirement for vaccines? NYS just launched its Excelsior Pass program that allows people to pass into establishments and venues by flashing a mobil app with their records showing a certification verification of vaccine or negative testing.
NewsBreak.com: The idea of “vaccine passports” becoming a requirement for travel, attendance at mass gatherings, and even things like grocery shopping first surfaced in 2020. In March, New York became the first state to formally launch a vaccination credential app, partnering with IBM to produce the “Excelsior Pass” which officials claim will “fast track” the state’s reopening.
The “papers” idea will influence of States to do the same.
How long has the vaccine been tested?
How did they determine effectiveness?
What are the time-tested affects?
Is there recourse for litigation if something goes wrong?
The answers to these questions indicate it has not been tested long enough, and the Big Pharma companies are protected from litigation for a period (at least 4 years) from any cases against it.
Past infections from flu were determined not to be a primary cause of death, but due to conditions resulting from bacterial pneumonia infection. Fauci himself was included in a paper that concluded this, yet today has a different summary.
Vaccine encoding mRNA as an operating system of a computer.