Your DNA has possibly been bought and sold by investment companies. Ancestry and 23 and Me who collect your DNA for geneology are companies that have been sold in the stock market. Does this mean the CEO’s of these companies have interest in your DNA or is there some other reason they put your data up for sale?
Listen to “Who Owns Your DNA?” on Spreaker.
When financial giant Blackstone acquired Ancestry many suspected the CEO was up to something. But does the CEO have invested interest directly with your information? More likely the associated companies and agencies have interest. The data collection companies claim to keep their data on you private and not for sale, but does not prevent your data from being shared among its associations for “research” in the excuse of health and benefit to humanity. They share your info with companies owned by Google.
23 and Me also harvest information claiming not to share data, but that doesn’t give us any guarantee it doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.
China companies who give out tests have your data from the labs sent the DNA. Do you feel safe?