Occult History of NASA | podcast

Occult History of NASA | podcast

July 30, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

NASA claims its intent is to study the universe and give answer to the ultimate question, “Are we alone?” To find the answers to our origin of life and collecting proof that there is a vast universe going beyond what the scriptures can tell us. However, we find it has [READ MORE]

Donald Trump a Jesuit?

Donald Trump a Jesuit?

July 15, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many throw out terms after reading a few entries on the Internet, and think themselves experts. They make accusations with bold assumptions they have mistaken for fact. One such statement recently claims Donald Trump is a Jesuit, and a Jesuit puppet. When we make assumptions, we have to be sure [READ MORE]

Greatest Mind Control Device in History

Greatest Mind Control Device in History

July 9, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Technology is advancing and it is more than just entertainment. We tend to think it was developed for our leisure. But it has a purpose. And you might not like it. Why was television developed? What is the greatest mind control device developed? We will discuss this on this episode. [READ MORE]