What Is Spirituality? | podcast

What Is Spirituality? | podcast

March 26, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Spirituality is defined differently to different groups. Some claim a self-determined identity of spirituality having a sense of acknowledging God without admitting they actually have a relationship with a personal God. Others claim their spirituality is an inward awareness to divinity within and that they become one with the Universal [READ MORE]

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Illuminati to the Jacobin Club

March 20, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After being found out in 1785, the Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt changed its name to the Jacobin Club, simply known as the Jacobins. Weishaupt instructed the Illuminati never to be known by their real name, but concealed under other names. They infiltrated the Freemasons in 1777 hid within their circles [READ MORE]

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The WOKE Movement

March 13, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The WOKE MOVEMENT considers if you criticize political leaders like Kamala Harris or Obama you are racist. So if you oppose policy that is against your ideology or beliefs it is not about politics but race? This is a Political Correctness ploy that attempts to dictate your intentions through baiting [READ MORE]