War On God’s Creation

War On God’s Creation | podcast

June 29, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Activists have taken on many causes. Some petition for restrictions of certain foods, environment causes, LGBTQrst rights, and others on corrective speech. While these concerns seem merely emotional responses, there seems to be a pattern that attacks the very creation of God. It appears more to me that they are [READ MORE]

Will A.I. Take Over Humanity? | podcast

Will A.I. Take Over Humanity? | podcast

June 15, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A.I. advancement increases as many of our functions utilize in some way digital technology. A.I. reads and collects data from all digital sources to make evaluations, calculations, and determined scenarios for the purpose of what it was developed. However, many fear that AI will become sentient and develop its own [READ MORE]

Black Site Torture Camp in Israel

Black Site Torture Camp in Israel | podcast

June 8, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Reports came out about Israel housing a secret facility known as a “Black Site” where it holds and tortures prisoners. These prisoners said to be associates of Hamas and the terrorist organizations actually prove that it could detain Palestinians, as well as medical staff that have NO affiliation with Hamas, [READ MORE]