5G Heads Blowing / AI Interface | podcast

Gwen Tower

5G rolled out and many anticipate heads blowing up by spontaneous combustion as they were in Israel when it was rolled out. Only thing is proof has been limited to a video claiming this conclusion is from 5g. We debunk some of the claims as we examine the potential real dangers of 5G.

AI technology is pushing for interface connectivity to your brain. Will they hack your brain? They cannot read your thoughts, but the technology datelining your input, watching you on devices, and monitoring algorithms gives the quantum computer enough information to make probable predictions about what you are thinking.

Listen to “5G Heads Blowing / AI Interface” on Spreaker.

5G Suspicions

A 35 second video circulated showing Arabs getting their heads blown up with smoke poring from their eyes and ears. The caption stated that this was due to 5G rolling out in Israel. However, further examination questions the validity of the claim.

We do not question the potential hazards of 5G that may impose toxins into humans, cause radiation poisoning and such, but we do have to address the truth of the validity and intensity of the hazards. People have not had their heads blowing up due to 5G. Perhaps some sicknesses may be attributed, but that is not consistently proven absolute. Some may be sensitive, just as they are with electromagnetic frequencies, wifi, and radio signals that have been clouding our pure environment for decades.

The problem with 5G that technology has is not so much its potential dangers, but with its interference to disrupt FAA trafficking and other networks. The initial date of Jan 5 was pushed back because of these concerns, and the new date of January 19th proved a more subtle rollout than intended. Still no more got sick than have been over the gradual rollout of 5G we have had for a few years. If you were sick Jan 18th you may not have thought it was 5G. However, if on Jan 19th, THEN you may have feared and claimed that 5G rollout was responsible.

Folks, the rollout have a few stages and not all full spectrum. The wavelengths are C-Band and one called Goldilocks Band. The full implementation has a large frequency range, some warn microwave levels, yet are short range and not capable of penetrating buildings, tress, and other obstacles, therefore is not as feasible. It requires transponders in specific areas to continue through to have effect. So longer range, though less frequencies, have instead been used which is still 5G but working at a 4G level. So nothing more than what we already have had.

AI Brain Interfaces

AI virtual reality is taking over technology with social media interested in experiments. Some fear they will take over in transhumanism to control our minds. Is this a rational reality? Could be, but how practical is it? Would God allow a cyborg world to maintain? I don’t think so.

AI may be able to record brain activity, brainwaves, and such, however as some claim, they CANNOT retrieve deep internal thoughts to read our intimate thoughts in our mind. Even reading our brain activity requires being “plugged in” with hardwires or some other technology deliberately volunteered by a participant. They cann just go in and extract your thoughts. If they could they would be as God.

I would not deny they are TRYING to mimic God’s omniscience and counterfeit God, as Satan is highly interested in becoming like God. I doubt they can actually do it as they claim. The best they can do is monitor our brain waves and activity and ASSUME our thoughts of action, but cannot accurately predict what we are deeply thinking. They just can’t do that.

Experiments are also done in which they impose thoughts through voice-to-skull frequencies. Also MAYBE a person using occult means may summon a demonic spirit to interject a thought into someone else’s mind, who isn’t protected by God. But that is spiritual (supernatural) trickery really. The demonic spirit gains control of the participants to actively be present in both.

AI and interfaces have been extracting our information through routes of social media that we volunteer. They collect the information we input, things we say in presence of technological devices, and the intelligence of AI can closely predict our thoughts and actions by its sophisticated ability to calculate stats from it.

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