What is 5G and why is it legislated? Trump just ,et with leaders to approve its development and usage. But we have found the devious potential of such technology with a conspiracy to control citizens. And also the dangers it causes that affect human development and nature. Yet government isn’t concerned. So there must be a conspiracy.
The Trump administration has approved legislation for the usage and advancement for 5G network. The FCC has also approved this development. Documents have been drafted to accelerate wireless deployment by removing barriers.
5G improves wifi up to 50% and increases bandwidth, though it does not travel as far. We present how possible enhancements are being achieved through Chemtrails and a plasma charged atmosphere.
The millimeter waves operate on a higher gHz frequency, one that transcends the lower limitations. However, those frequencies are harmful to human growth and to plantlike development. At those frequencies, it affects the oxygen absorption levels. Emits microwave radiation.
The military has been active in research and development for this high frequency in using it for crowd control to disable function in humans. DARPA has been involved in its research. DARPA is involved in its project Total Information Awareness program that data mines information and collects it as third party agency. The NSA may extract from this source.
We wonder if a microchip implant is necessary today with the advance of technology able to directly target individuals and keep everyone monitored using the AI or quantum computer.
Darrn makes some suggestions on magnetic solutions to repel the waves.