Witchcraft in Modern Society – #036
Witchcraft once thought to be an ancient practice involving mysticism, spell-casting, and worship of nature is going on in our modern society under a different form. You have seen it hidden in plain view. This episode reveals the practice in our modern times practiced right in front of you.
Aleister Crowley “do as thou wilt” introducing a narcissistic mentality of willing what you want for your own goals and gain.
No longer considered “human sacrifice,” but today is war, abortion, terror attacks, domestic violence as offerings of sacrifice.
No longer worship of nature and agriculture, but today is reverence for the environment and worship of Mother Gaia.
No longer need for practicing spells and incantation, but today trauma-based mind control, technological mind control, and conditioning through governmental experiments and projects.
No longer sorcery or magick potions, but drugs and pharmaceuticals.
No longer sex magick, but today societal promiscuity and lewdness, public display of sexuality on TV.
Gathering in witches covens in back woods now gathering of political agents in Congress and political agencies as the United Nations (policy writing for the New World Order and Illuminati), CFR (Illuminati political front), Trilateral Commission, Bilderbergs, Round Table, Freemason Lodges, and Bohemian Grove (this last one is still back woods rituals).
High Priests are now heads of state or districts in a region over 13 divisions.
No longer rituals and religious ceremonies, but now are stage performances done in front of the public. Performances at the Grammys, Video Music Awards, and the Superbowl are now public rituals and openly Satanic ceremonies with imagery, symbolism, and Satanic proactices performed right in front of the audience.
This invokes the energy of the masses.
Celebrities are the new navigational “stars.” Rather than maipulate the elements, the handlers and High Priests manipulate the celebrities into performing certain personas and expressing the messages they want the public to hear. Many have taken on alter egos to operate through them.
Christians celebrate worshtainment, a form of performance worship that focuses more on the performer and stage imagery than on the Lord Jesus Christ claimed to be the intent. ut the emotional sensationalism attracts occultists and witches to feed off the energy.
Christians who claim that “greater is in me than is in the world,” have no idea how the occult works or how subtle the manipulation can be. By participating and watching these performances unwittingly provide a cooperation with the spirits working.