The devil

Satanist Groups | podcast

October 22, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

What do Satanists look like? Do they worship a supernatural being? We examine the aspects of Satanism as well as mention certain Satanist groups in society and their affiliations. Listen to “Satanist Groups” on Spreaker. We name groups through the years that boast an infatuation with identifying with Satan, yet [READ MORE]

Anna Biller and Baphomet

Satanic Performers | podcast

April 24, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We discuss the movement in entertainment of Satanic references and imagery that is now cool. Performers such as Lil Nas, as well as Lady Gaga and others have shown a taste for the dark side. We reveal the reason. And also outline true Satanism and its characteristics that doesn’t necessarily [READ MORE]

Pumpkin King

Origins of Halloween | podcast

November 9, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we trace the origin of Halloween and the significance with pagan worship. We also go through the dangers of this time of year with not only coinciding with Satanic rituals, but also the spiritual context of participating. This episode explains the origins of Halloween, how it transformed [READ MORE]

Eerie picture of Vatican Throne

Vatican Satanism | podcast

December 11, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

This episode the panel discusses accusations by insiders of Satanism practiced in the Vatican, the head of the Holy Roman Church. We will address the practices and sex scandals and how it relates, as well as some of the eerie imagery surrounding Vatican that few question. The Jesuits run the [READ MORE]

Laura Maxwell

Laura Maxwell: The Illuminati Halloween Agenda

October 29, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Our guest Laura Maxwell explains how the Illuminati push the Halloween agenda to desensitize the public to occult rituals and paganism through the New Age beliefs. She discusses the progression in the 20th Century towards acceptance of occult witchcraft using Halloween and its imagery. She also gives her own personal [READ MORE]

Lucifer statue

Satanism is Fashionable, Jesuits in Supreme Court

October 22, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The panel discusses Kavanaugh and Trump’s Jesuit connections. We also look at Satanism in society and as a fashionable statement. And how Halloween celebrates darkness and participation allies with the occult worshippers. Vatican enthrones Satan in 1963 by a claim of Fr. Malachi Martin. The support for Kavanaugh, and Trump [READ MORE]


Satanism Doesn’t Mean Worship of Satan

September 15, 2018 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many equate worshipping Satan, or the essence of Satanism to have a belief in an entity, a character known as Satan or the devil. They believe Satanism is blatant and obvious use of Black Magic and participating in human sacrifice rituals. While those are extreme expressions of darkness and evil [READ MORE]

Witchcraft In High School and in Society

January 8, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Avon High School in Connecticut has a lawsuit against its two teachers for allegedly enticing three girls in their witchcraft cult. Witchcraft is becoming more socially acceptable. We will discuss how prominant it has become in our face in society.

Jim Duke Perspective

Satanic Mind Control

August 4, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Satanism has been striving for acceptance more and more in society through political means. But it has been after years of conditioning under mind control. In some Elite societies Satanic ritual are used for trauma-based mind control and abuse. In the public Satanism is present, but more subtle. Hollywood and [READ MORE]

Hillary and politicians

Satanism As A Political Movement

April 25, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Satanism as a political movement. Your browser does not support the audio element. Satanism used to be a taboo belief practiced in private secret places. Now its practitioners are petitioning for political rights and have come out of the closet into the mainstream. Claiming to be atheist, or “anti-theist” this [READ MORE]

Exposing Hollywood and its Occult Rituals

January 31, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

What goes on behind the curtain of Hollywood? In this episode we discuss the roots of Hollywood, expose the back story of the clubs, the Satanic rituals and trauma-based abuse, the occultism and spiritual activity, and we tell how the celebrities are controlled by demonic spirits and how it affects [READ MORE]

Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics” |

August 22, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In an interview with the Lepanto Institute, former Satanist Zachary King shared about his 26-years in the occult and his involvement in ritual abortions.ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT As LifeNews previously reported, many Satanists believe abortion is sacred and some participate in the procedures themselves. In fact, King explained that participating in abortions [READ MORE]

Witchcraft in Modern Society

May 24, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Witchcraft in Modern Society – #036 Witchcraft once thought to be an ancient practice involving mysticism, spell-casting, and worship of nature is going on in our modern society under a different form. You have seen it hidden in plain view. This episode reveals the practice in our modern times practiced right in [READ MORE]