In this episode William Ramsey shares his research on the iconic figure Aleister Crowley, the magician considering himself the Beast, who has had an impact in society. Some have modeled his philosophies, others his dark practices. Hollywood cabal and music performers hint of his rituals. We wonder if Crowley influenced the New World Order.
Aleister Crowley had an interesting upbringing that gave him his passion for evil. Exaggerated abuse with a potential to carry out horrific practices gave Crowley his vision to become what he did. Perhaps used by Satanic spirits? Either way, he was the embodiment of wickedness.
Crowley influenced modern society in many ways. Satanists use his philosophies as a guide to their methods. Occultists regard Crowley’s research and usage of esoteric practices. And many take his philosophy of the Law of Thelema to the extent of living a life of self will.
Crowley attempted to infiltrate the Order of the Golden Dawn with his own ideas. Istead, he was banished from the group and went out to seek his own, such as AA. But his main achievement was what he did to develop the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO).
The sex magick he developed was adopted by influential people like Jack Parsens, father of jet rocketry, and L. Ron Hubbard, creator of Scientology, a subtle Satanic cult.
The symbolism of numbers used by Crowley continue to hint of ritual. Crowley’s Satanic Ritual abuse is practiced behind closed doors by cults in back woods, as well as public figures behind the scenes.
William is researcher and author of books such as Children of the Damned, Abomination, and Prophet of Evil – Aleister Crowley, 9/11, and the New World Order, as well as has a YouTube channel “William Ramsey Investigates.”