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Operation of Magick

March 7, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Aleister Crowley set forth a principle in his ritual magick formula that he developed for a purpose that many agencies and groups use even in average society. Crowley defined Magick in his principle of Thelema as “the science and art of causing change to occur in conformity with will”. He [READ MORE]

Occult Influence in Society | podcast

Occult Influence in Society | podcast

May 6, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode Jim examines occult practices and their influence in society. Why outsiders need to know about it, and how decipher the code can benefit. We often alert the times of occult rituals, as well as signs and evidences of occult presence in social events. The reason is that [READ MORE]

Exposing Hollywood and its Occult Rituals

Exposing Hollywood and its Occult Rituals

January 31, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

What goes on behind the curtain of Hollywood? In this episode we discuss the roots of Hollywood, expose the back story of the clubs, the Satanic rituals and trauma-based abuse, the occultism and spiritual activity, and we tell how the celebrities are controlled by demonic spirits and how it affects [READ MORE]