The House Energy and Commerce Committee, applauded the passage of bills. “The bills signed into law today by the President are critical to ensuring that all Americans can access broadband and that our networks are secure and trusted,” the committee said in a statement. “The need for connectivity is even more critical now that millions of Americans are teleworking and learning from home in response to the coronavirus pandemic.” This is under S.893 SECURE 5G AND BEYOND ACT OF 2020 -Signed into law 116-129
As we suspected something other than safety was at hand by this declared and perceived pandemic. How else would the Elite controllers get all people of all the world to comply and agree to 5G networks without first a crisis to speed it along and make it necessary?
If you recall, Trump had already agreed to 5G and even 6G despite lack of testing for safety. He wanted to be the leading forerunner of this technology. Behind the scenes, it has been tested in Wuhan China, incidentally where the first Coronavirus breakout was suspected, and in South Korea. But now the rest of the world is in need.
The House Energy and Commerce Committee says, “The need for connectivity is even more critical now that millions of Americans are teleworking and learning from home in response to the Coronavirus pandemic.”
This recent crisis is a ready excuse. As people are sent to work at home, this is a given that the technology needs to be sped along. Incidentally several agencies are behind this including the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, and FEMA. Test sites in the U.S. will likely begin to roll it out as never before.
In the meanwhile the lack of testing of its danger is lacking. 5G works in broadband frequencies dangerous to our biorhythms, our DNA, and brain waves. It will interfere. The range is of dangerous radiation levels that can slowly burn the insides. Yet it is getting past these warnings.
A thought occurred that perhaps they had been preparing our bodies for the immunity of these conditions through chemtrails, flu and other things to rebuild our biological system to withstand these new technologies. I have heard of “flu-like symptoms” some report that they feel almost dead, then when over they feel the most vibrant they felt in years as if their body was downloaded with something.
This 5G technology may speed things along and allow better and faster communications and connectivity, but will also link our body’s conditions with the central database through neurolinks, chemical links to our DNA that read our conditions, and bringing closer to us the “Internet of Things” in which all information about us, including our health, is monitored and controlled for better “sustainable development.” Agenda 2030 is right around the corner.
Source: Trump signs laws to boost 5G security, broadband availability