The United Nations introduced their Agenda 21 in policies back in 1992 as a product of the Earth Summits to draft a plan for Sustainable Development. Recently the announcement of the Internet of Things brought forth the development of technology towards this goal for the 2030 Agenda. What does this mean, and why should we be concerned? In this episode Bare Hayes joins me as co-host to explain the true agenda of the United Nations and its spiritual connotation.
We discuss:
- What are the 17 Goals of Agenda 2030 and what do they really mean?
- What is Sustainable Development?
- What does the criteria require?
- U.N. and New Age philosophy
- What will the “Internet of Things” bring to Society?
- Evangelical support for AI
The United Nations is a Luciferic organization, as we prove here. Many members are crossover into Secret Societies and occult esoteric groups who support a Luciferic Initiation. This is well documented and proven. A plan exists to bring the world under a New World Order.