Ufologist Jaime Maussan presented his finds before a Mexican Congress. He brought the fossilized remains of two entities he claims he found that he had tested as not being of human DNA. Several suspicions question his claims.We share the story.
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Maussan brought before the Congress in the hearing two cases enclosing two specimens he claimed were tested under his experts as having more than 30% of its DNA found to be unknown, not of this earth, therefore determined his finds be presented as evidence of aliens from other planets.
When Jaime presented his case to the Mexican Congress, he was met by skepticism and rightly so. He could not explain why his specimens made it from Peru to Mexico in the first place, and claimed classified how he was made aware of them.
What he claimed to have done determining the age of the entities and his method of testing came under scrutiny. He revealed to a Reuters reporter that the testing claimed at the hearing was in fact not of the entities presented as specimens, but were conducted on a totally different specimen still in Peru where he found the others. However, his case was that since they were found at the same place why not do the test on the other rather than the fragile specimens he had encased in glass as evidence.
This guy also had previously attempted to present cases found fraudulent. Another one he once presented were examined to find they were human fossils of children in doctored mummified form. So his case here is under the same suspicion.