Awakening of the Masses through COVID-19 Psyop

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Many contradictions question the “plandemic” mandates. Saving lives is the biggest emotional trigger that tugs on the heart of citizens to want to save their fellow person. However, we cannot quarantine for every supposed illness and prevent sickness. If that was the aim, what did we do in previous years of virus, flu, heart disease, etc etc to prevent the spread? Why didn’t we quarantine previously to “save ONE life” as NYS Gov Cuomo suggested is worth the effort? Quarantining the healthy exceeds normal proper practice of infectious methods, except in cases of tyranny.

Immunity happens by our bodies receiving a dose of the contagion and building resistance in our immune system. If the immune system is weak, the body experiences illness. Unfortunately that can be the case. Vaccines supposedly deliver into the injected body a tissue sample of the virus so that the body learns to defend against the foreign element. If that is the case, why are they INJECTED so we get a sample, when we can have the same result just being out in public? And if vaccines are as successful as they claim, why does a non-vaccinated person become a threat if the vaccinated has the defense? Wouldn’t it be the non-vaccinated person in jeopardy? Some put it this way as an analogy: “Better take your Vitamin C so mine works…” The same can be said for vaccines. Why must I have a vaccination for yours to work?

But consider this also. A body is already infected with viruses. Many have been vaccinated having in them the virus injected. If you were tested, whether you FEEL sick or not, of course you MAY test positive. That doesn’t necessarily make you any more a risk than a person with symptoms. Besides, not only have the CDC tests been found contaminated already, but they do not test specifics. They only test for GENETIC MATERIAL PRESENT. Does that make you a candidate for spreading it? No more than the person injected with the vaccine.

If the virus is contagion as we are told, then bottles, bags, money, doorknobs, your own kitchen sink, and computer keyboard are contaminated. You would think someone would address that even normal items have a hint of virus or germs that get people sick. Yet we only take minimal precaution of wearing masks, washing hands, and disinfecting. When you put the money in your pocket at the checkout, touch your steering wheel, briefly wipe your face, or at home you handle that water bottle from the grocer, Oh Oh, now you spread it towards yourself. It CANNOT BE AVOIDED. But you are not sick necessarily.

What about this dangerous COVID-19 strain? The testing attempts to detect Coronavirus. Coronavirus is common and has been known since the 60s and 70s, not new. What is new is the mutation. But every virus is a new strain each year as it mutates. This one is no different. The only difference is that it was labeled, a narrative written to publicize, and a psyop built around it. The only unknown by us is whether it was deliberately manufactured in a lab and spread accidentally or purposely. The genetic makeup has 19 strands able to affect different demographics. Bioweaponry has been known and patents for it are on the record. So this could be man-made.

You see, this was an opportunity and the time was right for a psyop to test the gullible acceptance of the citizens. Globally this is another progressive step towards World Government by the Elite, which gets into too many rabbit trails to explain briefly. Let’s call them “Deep State” or “Shadow Gov” for now to make it simple. Although that is yet just a layer of cover.

Knowing (researching) those who are in power and their connections, their OWN statements recorded, their world agenda, the inside knowledge of Secret Societies, the names of the controllers, all give us the absolute evidence to know intents of the plan that MOST of the public is not aware, been too blind to understand, are in denial to accept, or too lazy to look into because it interferes with their sports time or entertainment.

I don’t expect all citizens to just quit what they are doing and gain a knack of research technique like we have been doing for 30 or 40 years and catch up with our findings in one fell swoop to grasp the concept. There is a lot to take in. And the layers of deception causing the false paradigm is embedded deep. After years of denying our research has put them back many years, so they need to start at the beginning. They don’t need to dig deep themselves and make all the connections we have to start from scratch. That’s what we’re here for. All they need to do is come out from the denial and consider what we have offered and simply verify what we say is true by looking at the docs we present confirming some of the footnotes.

The quarantine has an advantage to us who have been warning of such things over the past several years. This pandemic made an obvious blunder in that many who generally would not have time to question the narrative have more time on their hands to seek answers. The boredom and restrictions, lack of leisure, and inquisitive mind has given them the time to see our posts, watch our videos, and consider the experts who have not been accepted into the political community. The one problem is social media agents hovering over our work and deleting information as fast as it hits. Propaganda control at its height like with Nazi Germany. Only this time it is digital.

So we have to be vigilant, brave, persistent, and insistent to get our news across and expose the Luciferian agenda upon us all. And to break the blindness that prevents the gospel from acceptance.

[2Co 4:4]  In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.

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