From an article by Henry Makow:
In the Soviet Union, they joked that under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it’s the other way around.
Capitalism and communism are essentially the same thing: monopoly capitalism. i.e. the bankers own everything.
In the case of capitalism, the bankers own the corporations which control the government. Under communism, the bankers control the state which owns the corporations. In both cases, the bankers own and control the state.
Unfortunately, these bankers are not satisfied with unlimited wealth. They want unlimited power. Cabalist Jews (Zionists) and Freemasons (Luciferians), they want to own and control everything, including your body, soul, property and your children.
In Communism, the government is proxy for the central banker, i.e. Rothschild syndicate.
Mankind has been colonized by this satanic cult, the Illuminati. Our political and cultural “leaders” are their go-fers and front-men. If you understand this, the world starts to make sense.