Media Propaganda for a Luciferian Agenda

Media Propaganda for a Luciferian Agenda

May 31, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The media is called programming for a reason. The role of media and entertainment is to feed the public propaganda by controlling the industry. We discuss who owns the media, how they control the information, and their Luciferian agenda of globalization for a New World Order. The Illuminati, the Jesuits [READ MORE]

MKULTRA Mind Control Experiments

MKULTRA Mind Control Experiments

May 24, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

MK Ultra Mind Control Programming Some claim the government’s MK Ultra mind control program is still in operation today. Many have come out to expose its evil tactics and abuse used on them and on others they know to control their mind and cause triggers for action, cause certain responses, [READ MORE]