We are caught up in this world, its system, the manner in which our culture forms us, into the reality set forth for us. We are in the Matrix. Have you considered it has been built that way? Not that God intended it, but that there is a force in it that keeps you asleep, hides the grotesque truth, and keeps you from hope? Or else gives you an illusion that you can be entertained, appeased, and satisfied by the material physical pleasures. Lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. However, once you take the “red” pill, things are no longer as they seem. You realize you are outside of the box, and you see how far deeper the rabbit hole goes. This episode takes you through some of the illusions in the playground. And what you can do about it.
Many are caught in the Matrix. We have to determine if we will take the red pill or blue pill. And ask if we are IN the world or OF the world. If we are OF the world, we may know about the truth of issues, but still enslaved to their system.
Social media forums are censoring podcasters, YouTube producer, and any voice that rivals the narrative. Their algorithms determines what is proper, and that based on its AI robot judges. They seem to have a gripe with the “red pill community.” There are methods they are testing to judge behavior and rate citizens according to it.
Those waking to the truth of the conspiracy, truth of the agenda, and truth about government may STILL not have truth about salvation. And of they know the truth, but deny the truth of salvation, they will likewise perish with the Luciferians they oppose.
Human Race is in jeopardy. We have been inching towards “As in the days of Noah.” When human depravity and immorality was the law of the land. And the denial of the righteousness of God was popular. But there is a means in which you can be freed from the destiny of the Matrix.