Conspiracy Theories are Antisemitism, The Greater Reset

Conspiracy Theories are Antisemitism, The Greater Reset

We review an article that claims all conspiracy theories have been linked to label as “anti-semitism.” The article describes every accusation, since the Jews are usually behind the great agendas, as anti-semitic. It goes on to say that the Rothschilds behind financial interests were also behind portioning a land of Palestine for the Zionist State of Israel, therefore any criticism of them or Israel is anti-semitic, which conspiracy theories have a tendency to associate to Jews behind the interest of agendas. We also look at aspects of the Great Reset for a Greater reset.

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The narrative is calling out all opposition to their conspiracies as Anti-semitic to make it about racism rather than against the agenda. Since many have already pinned the Elite on Jewish conspirators, they easily slant the criticism as against Jews. This includes criticism of the Great Reset.

The Greater Reset

The Great Reset is about the perceived betterment of society through the WEF Elite. They recruit young innovators of the sectors to implement elements for the New World Order. Some (maybe many) of these recruits lack the intentions of their masters and think this is a natural course for their role in making society better. “Build Back Better.” The technocrats will be instrumental in the advancement development for this agenda.

The Elite of the WEF admit what they intend. With Yuval Noah Harari as the spokeseperson, he tells that AI integration will rethink for people to make better decisions. It allows monitoring of our thoughts, our biorhythms, measure of biometrics, and health.

Effort is made towards data collection and algorithms, which leads to responding to our reactions and programming towards the Plan. They craft simulations of us in the response they expect.

Harari has expressed his disdain towards God and his hate of Jesus, so we know he is not a Christian. He denies Jesus therefore by definition is an antichrist. Why would Christians submit to this agenda?

If algorithms monitor our response and can redirect our thinking towards compliance, this may lead us to a Nineteen Eighty Four mindset. The promotion trailer of the Great Reset admits “You will own nothing, you will have no privacy, but you WILL be happy.” Sounds like programming to me.


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