How To Identify a Psyops

How To Identify a Psyops

February 15, 2025 Jim Duke Perspective 0

This article shares practical identities of spotting a psyops upon any public event that occurs. This list was compiled from the NCI report distributed online and shown on YouTube. Listen to “How to Identify a Psyops” on Spreaker. “Psyops” is short for Psychological Operation in which a carefully planned scenario [READ MORE]

Operation Paperclip Into MK Ultra

Operation Paperclip Into MK Ultra

December 7, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Operation Paperclip was a United States government recruitment of Nazi scientists for the purpose of using their expertise of human experiments so the U.S. under the CIA could continue testing live humans. These scientists under Hitler would do evil experiments on live humans and test their results of when the [READ MORE]

Illuminati Playing Cards Predict Events

Illuminati Playing Cards Predict Events

August 17, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Illuminati Card game by Steve Jackson stirs up the conspiracy theories when the cards seem to hit almost exact to details of real life events. The cards were meant for tongue-in-cheek depiction of conspiracy theories with the infamous Illuminati in mind based on likely scenarios that would happen under [READ MORE]

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What Happened to Conspiracy Theories?

March 17, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The public seems to be turned off when mentioning something alluding to “conspiracy theory.” Reality is they cannot fathom such suggestions because their mind is not rationalizing that information, so their mind gets into a funk called “cognitive dissonance” where it rejects such suggestions. This is a protective mode that [READ MORE]

Have You Been Black Pilled? | podcast

Have You Been Black Pilled? | podcast

February 24, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Some have been so fired up that they attack, accuse, and shame rather than inform. They become cold, bitter, cynical. Who am I talking about? Some even in the Truther Community have become so upset or fearful it made them violent. Their words are filled with smoke and fire and [READ MORE]

Remembering the JFK Assassination | podcast

Remembering the JFK Assassination | podcast

November 26, 2022 Jim Duke Perspective 0

A relook at the suspicious JFK assassination with Lee Harvey Oswald that included the actions of Jack Ruby. He will remind of the questionable events and how it led to the derogatory term “conspiracy theory” to discredit those who question the official Warren Commission report. Listen to “Remembering the JFK [READ MORE]

Pandemic Global Agenda | podcast

Pandemic Global Agenda | podcast

January 9, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The United Nations has published a document through the W.H.O. laying out a plan for a Global Preparedness Monitoring Board. The document was dated September 2019 in which has a two stage exercise for dealing with pandemic (Event 201) and the release of a respiratory pathogen, which we suspect is [READ MORE]