I know, I’m agreeing with a supposed Globalist of the agenda. But hear me out.
2024 Repbulican candidate Nikki Haley got chewed out for not mentioning slavery when referring to the Civil War. She said slavery was not the main cause. Many challenged her for ignorance, but I actually agree with her on that. However, one must dive deeper behind the scenes to realize the real truth about what caused the Civil War. We explain who was behind it and why.
Listen to “Nikki Haley Comment on the Civil War May Be Correct” on Spreaker.
The Civil War was provoked. I mention those who provoked it, who they were working for, and what they wanted.
Remember wars and revolutions stirred was the MO of the Illuminati. They created tension between nations as well as fractions within in order to force them into borrowing. Some excuse would be emphasized and exaggerated to make divisions. False flags gave a perception when a reason was not evident.
They used it to leverage nations so that they would need to borrow finances for arms, production of weapons, and rebuilding. Nations became enslaved to the borrower, in the most cases the Rothschild bankers and their affiliates. When a nation borrowed it gave the financiers great leverage over the borrowing nation.
In the case of the Civil War slavery was used as a dividing factor. Though it was not the real reason for the war it gave enough tension for one to divide the North from the South. However instead of borrowing from the banks, Lincoln backed it with American financial backing in fiat Capital. This blew in the face the need to force borrowing from the Elite bankers. Lincoln was assassinated.