The CIA have the reputation of being a devious nefarious suspicious agency. They launch campaigns trying to clean up their act, but instead we just continue to get suspicious. Do we have reason?
Listen to “Dark Roles of the CIA” on Spreaker.
Originally founded to continue after the OSS to globally counter communist threats and provide crucial intelligence directly to the President. It was signed in 1947.
Since then some of their acts they attribute doesn’t help their case.
Operation Paperclip and working with Nazi mind control scientists to test human behavior. MK Ultra program to test fragmenting minds.
Operation Northwoods creating a scenario for a false flag threat to our citizens blaming it on a foreign country to make the case to go into Cuba.
Operation Mockingbird to control the media and monitor streams of information to the public using false reports and propaganda.
Suspected of being behind the JFK assassination.
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