Exposing Sex Magick Rituals | podcast

Aleister Crowley as Osirus

In this episode we explore the influence of sex magick rituals in society and how they operate. Much of the imagery in society is influenced by these practices that have existed since ancient times.

Sexual practices have dominated the thoughts of many in society, both with promoting promiscuity, and with acts of homosexuality, pedophilia, and open sexual perversions. Especially in the current cases with Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein. And the sex trafficking accusations against NXIVM founder Keith Reniere.

This episode discusses the influence of Aleister Crowley and his sex magick rituals. As well his protege Jack Parsons, father of jet rocketry that influenced NASA, in his Babalon Working project involved with summoning a goddess through sexual encounters. It can be considered that Parsons intended on using rocketry to send an obelisk (shape of the rocket) into space to unite with the moon in a vast space fertility worship ritual.

The Illuminati practice sexual rituals in their own families, exposing their children to witnessing these acts, as well as participate in them for breeding baby sacrifices.

The CIA produce Beta sex slaves to use mind control programming on women to use to exploit dignitaries, politicians, officers, even clergy.

Kabbalah has sexual principles related in its practice.

A major influence of sex rituals adopted its imagery from the Egyptian religion of Osirus with the obelisk as the main focus of worship. Proudly displayed in Freemasonry and an attraction in Washington D.C. as the Washington Monument. But is a phallic symbol representing the male organ. Along with the female circle or dome representing the womb. Together they make a fertility unity.

Many occult practices use fertility worship in symbolism of opposites. The opposing forces: male/female, light/dark, black/white, etc bring the unity of opposites in a climax of energy and power for occultists.

The Baphomet image is the ultimate symbolism of unity between these principles, an androgenous creature having both male and female attributes and contrasts of opposites in its image.


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