Forgotten Audio from 9/11 Military Transmission

Forgotten Audio from 9/11 Military Transmission

Some audio had been released of the transmissions between towers of the planes hijacked on Sept 11, 2001, but very few have heard the audio requesting fighter planes to scramble to trail the assumed hijacked planes. The audio demonstrates the confusion between personnel that led to chaos of where the plane in question went.

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Naturally we question the Official Narrative when it comes out. Several details lead us to suspicions as to whether what the media reports is actually the truth. We got a quick assessment even before all the evidence was gathered. The city whisked away the debris in panic and hastening of the situation that didn’t leave much time to examine it for foul play. What would they have found?

When you think about volatility, mass, construction, and heat points against steel and concrete structures, you may wonder if a plane even that size would penetrate a building that has been built with reinforced steel beams and concrete without first imploding on the outer edge. You have to wonder how they would enter through all that physical structure to slice through beams in such a way that it could not sustain the floors above. The result was a controlled demolition crumbling the buildings in their own footprint as a nice neat package.

Not only that, the adjacent building NOT hit (except by debris) Building 7 dropped in the same controlled manner. If this is even physically possible, it still leaves a large question as to how. But many in the public don’t want to entertain such an idea. It would mean having to consider the uncomfortable possibility that some insider in our own government planned it.

What I found was audio transmission from the military control to Washington D.C. They requested fighter jets scramble to tail the supposed hijacked planes. What it reveals is that the control in Washington D.C. questioned the request. The request came that Flight 11 went off course indicating a hijack heading down the Hudson River towards NY. The tracker indicated that the plane flew low PAST NY now into New Jersey headings towards Washington DC. The agent in Washington questioned that the plane went to NJ because he insisted that plane hit the Twin Towers.

The confusion could be heard on the audio. The one requesting said they tracked the plane past NYC, so which plane hit the buildings? When we question it further we realize it may have been a switch where a plane flew low and a drone took over in its place to carry out the mission. That is not a far-fetched scenario because it was exactly what was proposed in the government Operation Northwoods, which they planned the same type of scenario.

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