Greatest Mind Control Device in History

Victims of mind control in front of TV

Technology is advancing and it is more than just entertainment. We tend to think it was developed for our leisure. But it has a purpose. And you might not like it. Why was television developed? What is the greatest mind control device developed? We will discuss this on this episode.

The film industry from Nazi Germany under Josef Goebbels led the way to propaganda indoctrination. As Reich Minister of Propaganda in Germany, Goebbels gained supervision over the film industry to screen its participants to ensure they were in line with the agenda for propaganda purposes. Those of the German film industry must be members of the Reich Film Chamber and be sworn to its boundaries and control.

In America theater became popular with its first introduction through nickelodeon machines in the East coast before venturing to the West coast, where it influenced Hollywood. The development of television by Thomas Edison’s influence as he worked through GE in Schenectady NY. And the first television network was set up in Schenectady (near Albany) under WRGB.

We discover that the innovation of television collaborated with mind control techniques that were being studied under MK-ULTRA. Which eventually morphed into a more sophisticated psychological mind control experiment called Monarch.

Technology developed where the tactics of mind control could be implemented on the masses through the television technology. Through frequencies, electromagnetic waves, and sights and sounds, the mind control could be extended through this medium to practice on the public. The monitor screen, as well as the audio sounds, could be used in subliminal messages through alpha waves while the conscious mind is occupied with the visible images and storyline.

Civil War no longer has to be fought with conventional weapons, but now subtly through psychological means to divide and conquer.

U.S. Patent – Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

Communication system and method including brain wave analysis and/or use of brain activity

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