How the Medical Industry is Controlled

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People often quote Dr So and So of the agency of this medical center, or health experts, and regard the reports of the CDC and medical data. I am just a layman, so what do I know? I don’t have a paid bias to defend the industry as they do. But I do have theories, and I do know facts.

Most people get their info from mainstream sources. Why not, what else do we have? We regard the experts as those with credible public influence that we hear on media, read in journals, and study in college textbooks. Yet few know the history behind these sources, or the controlled bias that goes into it.

Rockefeller and other wealthy families like Rothschilds, have controlled the medical industry, the media, and streams of information to the public. Rockefeller built his wealth on oil and substances made from it, like PHARMACEUTICALS. In the late 19th century his family conspired to gain control over the medical field by funding colleges with medical students, and putting their cronies on boards of these Universities to dictate medical science. Their success was taking society away from homeopathy to medicine. Pharmaceuticals to synthesize natural remedies. In the Bible Sorcery is from the word pharmekia, which is Greek for sorcery. Rockefellers are noted Satanists. So why would they connive the public? Put it together yourself.

Here is my podcast explaining the Big Pharma industry

These bankers dictated the AMA boards, medical associations, as well as the CDC and also have control over the WHO. And even contributing to the vaccination charge is Microsoft guru Bill Gates. In statements he admitted vaccines will be used to bring the population to ZERO GROWTH. What that means is to DEPOPULATE to sustainable numbers. What are those numbers? We hear figures such as 500 million of the population only. That means 6.5 billion need to be eradicated. Folks, these are not my figures or conspiracy theories, these are available facts.

Top leaders of the medical field MUST coincide with their handlers in order to remain credible by their standards. The physicians and researchers in the field must also comply. Otherwise they are ousted out of the community, their funding is ceased, and they are not allowed to contribute to medical journals. What happens when their research challenges their medical field? They are redirected and urged to find data to fit the accepted models. So do you wonder why the journals all contribute to the official narrative? Those who are contrary are kicked out. They often go into private practice on their own path. Some end up dead (see my many articles on the tally of mysterious deaths of these practitioners).

So how is it someone like me, a mere layman, can make such claims of knowledge of viruses, illness, etc, when I am not in the field? Simply because I am not in the field being paid by these shills. I regard experts NOT in their biased political communities, and consider those who have deviated from their controlled grasp; those heroes of the field actually contributing sensible science, to get a true account.

Most of what you have been told and treated for are lies. Cancer treatment, the nature of viruses, the health remedies, vaccines, all to promote controlled health, profit wealthy bankers, and build a false sense of security. If you knew what went into patents of medicines, you’d be surprise the placebo tests, the risks that are insured, and the failed attempts to get a medicine validated. The boards of the FDA, by the way, are comprised of those invested in stocks, who are on the boards of these corporations and industries, doing their OWN studies under the FDA. So what bias can they have at stake? The risk of drugs is usually greater than the treatment meant.

By the way, these same Elite control the streams of information you get your info from, like the media, education, and social media. They have psychologically controlled society to believe in their lies. Just to control the world. They are not working for God, but for Lucifer. This is proven and explained elsewhere in my numerous articles and podcasts.

By the way, the medical symbol, the Caduceus is a magic symbol of Hermes, the forerunner of occult knowledge and developer of Hermetics, “As Above, so Below.” This is witchcraft symbolism, very fitting for putting a spell over the people.

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