In this episode Leonard Ulrich joins us to explain the COVID 1984 plandemic and how it is a power play. He talks about the election and how it doesn’t matter either pick on launching us into civil unrest and setting up the Great Reset. We also discuss spiritual warfare.
Listen to “Leonard Ulrich COVID 1984 and What’s Ahead” on Spreaker.
We talk about the predictive programming and hints in society that the Elite give us ahead of time.
How the Great Reset discourages work effort.
COVID-19 and politics. Relying on the election, power plays, election contention, and sparking civil unrest.
Vaccines and the link with Google.
YouTube censoring of information.
Masks and losing identity.
Digital currency linking certification by Luciferase and the patent issued by Microsoft WO2020/060606. Vaccination quantum dot ID through tattoos.
How Trump was chosen over 30 years ago by Elite who had him connected through financial deals and why Trump isn’t going to make a significant difference in preventing end times. Trump’s involvement with the Jewish bankers.
The evil of the nation of Israel and their role in 9/11.
Spiritual Warfare, how to defeat such an agenda spiritually.
Leonard can be found at his website