MKULTRA Mind Control Experiments

Victims of Mind Control

MK Ultra Mind Control Programming

Some claim the government’s MK Ultra mind control program is still in operation today. Many have come out to expose its evil tactics and abuse used on them and on others they know to control their mind and cause triggers for action, cause certain responses, and create emotional tension through trauma-based programming.

But how can they say this when the government abandoned the program in 1973?

What is MK Ultra?

Mk Ultra program is an experiment of the CIA forced by the government to disclose its 16,000 pages of information that it was in operation between 1950s and 1970s. In the 1975 disclosure prompted by the Rockefeller Commission, the program was found to have used drugs like LSD to influence certain responses in victims to test how they would react, as well as hypnosis, sexual abuse, and psychological programming. Records have since been destroyed. When exposed, the government agents agreed to quit their experiments. We will see it still is practiced, though may have hidden under a different name.

MKUltra used numerous methodologies to manipulate people’s mental states and alter brain functions, including the administration of drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other forms of torture.

The scope of Project MKUltra was broad, with research undertaken at 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, as well as hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies. The CIA operated through these institutions using front organizations. It eventually made its way to victims on beaches, bars, restaurants, in colleges, and on the street. Timothy Leary used his position to experiment with LSD and bring it to the Universities, which sparked the drug culture in the 60s.

One chemist named Frank Olsen working for the CIA with the program was reported of having a fatal nervous breakdown in which he fell off a building. Later the details of the experiment was disclosed, which was the first time the family had knowledge of the specific details surrounding the tragedy until the Rockefeller Commission uncovered some of the CIA’s MKULTRA activities in 1975. That year, the government admitted that Olson had been dosed with LSD, without his knowledge, nine days before his death. After the family announced that they planned to sue the Agency over Olson’s “wrongful death”, the government offered them an out-of-court settlement of $750,000, which they accepted. But some claim that Olsen had been taken out because of his disapproval of the experiment that had gone to extremes. Forensics found his head hit hard with an object before the fall, but the information was retracted.

Truth serum

By injecting a victims one arm with barbiturates, then after the affects injecting their other arm with amphetamines, it the person would be in a confused euphoric state rambling on and telling information deep in their mind. “Project Chatter.” Interrogation techniques and retrieving information.

Also Project Bluebird, and Project ARTICHOKE.


Psychological experiments. Project Bluebird. Used to suggest phrases and instruction that once awake the victim has no recollection and can be triggered by an action, sound, phrase, or word to do some action the victim has no knowledge of doing. One example, a woman under hypnosis suggested when she heard a phrase to pick up a gun and shoot her husband. The gun had blanks, but she still carried out the action, not knowing what she had done after.

Couriers of Information

Under the state, some victims were used as couriers given instructions and information, sent out into society to reach another destination, then when reaching a targeted location, the receiver of information would inject the victim and sift out the information in the same way. Then the victim was released into the street again not knowing what had just happened, but having these nightmares forever in their mind of the trauma-based abuse.

Subproject 54 examined techniques to cause brain concussions and amnesia as a tool in brain-washing therapy. You thought Bourne Legecy and other assassination films was fiction.


Mind control useful for triggering assassins to carry out specific duties. Some have been said to have an implanted microchip that keeps track of them. Timothy McVeigh – Oklahoma City bombling was an example of this. Found McVeigh participated in a CIA operation, though was claimed he flunked and never got in, when in actuality he was promoted and sent out with a mission.

We wonder if the psychotic killers in society are those triggered with instruction to carry out trauma-based crises on the public. Experiments carried out with criminal-sexual psychopaths, having the prisoner deny the allegations.

Monarch Programming

Since this exposure, many have suggested they are still under this mind control and experiments still practiced, but under another cover. MK Ultra is currently known as Monarch Mind Control Programming, more psychological programming altering the person’s personality. Controlling emotions, fears, and responses.

Used in the Political community

Cathy O’Brien was rescued by a former CIA agent Mark Phillips who has helped her recover from her traumatic experiences, including abuse by several political figures including Dick Cheney and Hillary Clinton. Behind the scenes are reports of sexual parties, orgies, sexual abuse, traumatizing, sodomy, pediphilia, and homosexuality.

Elite families this is customary. Sexual abuse and trauma-based environment that keep the members enslaved and programmed for specific purposes. Through the network and associations, they are put into office for specific legislation and mindset for an agenda, whether they know it or not.

This is done to children as early as the age of 3 where it is determined their role and if they qualify. Through childhood the mind control is trained and by adolescence well inbred.

Hollywood and Entertainment

Several celebrities claim to be victims of this Mind Control program. Sexual and emotional abuse to keep them enslaved and victims used for indoctrinating the public through their art.

A handler is assigned to victims who is considered a Master or god to the person and instrumental in the breaking down process and trained reliance upon them during any circumstance. Those showing signs of wear are dismissed and discredited, and if public, possibly killed.

Experiment on the Public

Drugs introduced into the public to break their psyche. They would be more susceptible to suggestion. LSD and hallucigens especially responsive to this social treatment. Chemicals like benzoetes like that you find in sodas that causes brain disfunction, and flouride you find in toothpaste and water that sedates.

Psychological programming through commercials. Proof of this is the millions of dollars spent on advertising to create impulse buying on the public. Through colors, sounds, images they spark emotional triggers that are set in the entertainment venues of social programming. Otherwise why would companies spend millions on psychological means of advertising?

Social mind control is used to traumatize through crises. Paranoia is developed and fear instilled. Upon fear, the people will surrender what it normally wouldn’t. They will give up freedoms if it means more security. Ebola outbreak, measles, etc create fear and we are more likely to accept solutions, like vaccines, to ward against such.

Media and Entertainment Programming

We wonder if our entertainment is a result of a demoralization of society, or the forced behavior on a society through social engineering. Shaping our culture and biases through our streams of information. He who controls the information sources controls the masses.

Many claim the rituals and abuse inflicted on celebrities to keep them enslaved to the industry and present in them mind control to influence on the public this programming, social engineering, and emotional triggers on a mass scale to the public.

We in the public are fed triggers and stimulus of responses through messages in movies and images on the big screen without even knowing it.

In the early days of Drive-ins, theaters were found to place images of food and messages on frames of film that would be undetectable to the human eye, but fed to the brain. Now it is done hidden in plain sight.

Repeat something enough and it becomes fact and reality. Through entertainment and media, mantras and phrases are repeated until people subconsciously accept them and begin regurgitating what they hear until they believe it.

Certain mantras repeated to the public Public programmed to believe them because of PERCEPTION that they are trustworthy and telling you the facts, even after examples of fabrication.

Records and Discredit

Why isn’t this discovered and reported by the Press? Simply because the Press is controlled and screened. If the agency or individual journalist falls out of line with appropriate and allowed topics, that agency or reporter is expelled from the network and not allowed to remain in the field. Many who run media (only 6 corporations) also participate and cooperate. Operation Mockingbird was a covert agreement between the CIA and the media to cooperate.

The records of this program have been destroyed and their trail well covered. Those who come out are discredited and ridiculed in public shame. Some under mind control deliberately come into the public with irrational testimony to cloud the real cases and create a distraction of fiction and obvious fabrication that those who support such stories are classified as “conspiracy theorists,” which the CIA popularized to discredit whistleblowers. Now the Internet is saturated with misinformation that has blurred the truth and confused the trail where those not attuned have difficulty discerning through the noise to find the sources that are authentic.

Witchcraft Ritual

Occult ritual and Sex Magick

Recently a couple of children came out exposing what they witnessed in their own family to do with sexual abuse and Satanic ritual.

Mind Control is common in the practice of occult ritual. Not only the environment, but also the practice. Manipulation, suggestion, curses imposed. Demonic possession is also common as a person is faced with multiple disorders and showing signs of demonic actions, multiple personality disorders, delusions, hallucinations, and alter egos (see Hollywood and celebrities). Victims under this program have been abused and their minds altered. Sexual abuse, trauma-based mind control, and victims of satanic worship. Alters are the practices involved. We discussed Sex Magick on a past podcast episode. See Love, Sex, Magick.

Common practice of non-biological “Twinning” where two individuals nonrelated would be ceremoniously initiated in a magical “soul-bonding” to be inseparably paired, possibly sharing two halfs of the programmed information making them dependent on one another. This could be why celebrities are “paired” in marriage and certain others paired in ritual, like when Madonna kissed Brittany Spears and Christina Aguillara. Was this a ceremonial “bonding?”

Any Hope? Spiritual Solution

Those under the programming are victims. In the world we have no hope because these Elitists use physical means, psychological means, and spiritual means and we individuals don’t have the power to overcome them, no matter how strong we think our will is. They have data on each individual through agencies like NSA to develop a file that they know how to break you.

Only through renewal through Jesus Christ can I offer you a hope and a way to transcend their tactics. Salvation is more than going to heaven, but it is release from the curse of the world, from the hold of these evil agents, but is a promise of comfort, sustenance, and hope of eternal life.

The Bible tells us to be alert and sober.

[1Th 5:6-8 KJV] 6 Therefore let us not sleep, as [do] others; but let us watch and be sober. 7 For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night. 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

[1Pe 1:13 KJV] 13 Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ

[1Pe 4:7 KJV] 7 But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer.

[1Pe 5:8 KJV] 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

Have your mind renewed

[Rom 12:2 KJV] 2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

[2Th 2:2 KJV] 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

[2Ti 1:7 KJV] 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Images and imaginations

[2Co 10:5 KJV] 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

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