In this episode we explain how truthers unwittingly expose the plan of the NWO Elitists, while the Elitists use it for their public awareness. They may cunningly be using our whistleblowing for their promotion.
Listen to “NWO Consciousness” on Spreaker.
The Truther Community makes its boast of being “awake” and having one leg above the Illuminati New World Order by exposing its direction, intent, and progress. However, in a twist of things it seems the Oligarchy have actually turned the tables to use our boradcasting to make the public conscious of their agenda. Only they spin it to declare their innocence and identity as a benevolent plan to free mankind and protect it against the harm of society.
We relate this to Gnosticism which has a different purpose for the Bible and for the publicized knowledge of their agenda of a New World Order. The Gnostics have been working on this “Age of Enlightenment” in which they initiate their members to participate. Over the years it has been their plan to eventually become obvious and public to the masses, only when they were sure their appearance would not have a negative connotation. Behind the scenes of education and social engineering they had successfully reached the minds of the public to accept the concepts they offer by the time people heard of the New World Order to put it a positive light.
We look at the plan from Francis Bacon to the founding fathers, their Secret Societies, and their agenda to infiltrate all sectors of society to direct society into tolerating, perhaps even beg for their New World Order.
The occult is no longer hidden behind the scenes, but is now on the table. Therefore could it really continue being called “occult” if no longer in the shadows? We wonder if the occult is now uncovered therefore is open and no longer considered occult.