Another exercise may be in the works for hint of a pandemic that could soon occur. October 23, 2022 in Belgium several health advisors; such as John Hopkins University, WHO, and Bill Gates, got together for “Catastrophic Contagion”, an exercise that went over a scenario for yet another possible pandemic. Some say it was only a fictitious scenario, others that it may be a precursor for a real event.
Listen to “Plans for Another Pandemic 2023?” on Spreaker.
The meeting of Event 201 in October 2019 that came just before the pandemic in 2020. Catastrophic Contagion members met October 23, 2022 and we suspect the planning of another contagion soon.
Could these be planned, or just preparation for what they know is coming due to mishandling of lab experiments? When deadly experiments are in the hands of negligent workers, who knows what to expect.
Boston University announced experimenting with deadly variants to make a virus with kill rate of 80%. Why would they do this? Seems like most of the deadly viruses are from threats of man.