MK ULTRA Entertainers and their Handlers | podcast

MK ULTRA Entertainers and their Handlers | podcast

Many know of the MK ULTRA experiment by the CIA to test mind control. But do they know some are still subject to it? We look at entertainers who might be under control and the handlers around them who ensure the programming is working.

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MK ULTRA was an experiment from the 1950s after the Nazi scientists were sent in the United States through Project Paperclip that ran up into the 1970s. They conducted studies using drugs as well as shock treatment and sleep deprivation.Through trauma the brain was fragmented given suggestions in the semi-subconscious state that would suppress once the brain relaxed and threat ended, only to hold the memories in suppression until called upon.

When the program was found out, Nixon put a ban on it in 1973, and the docs were disclosed in 1975, but a little too late. Damage had already been done. One scientist Frank Olsen was slipped LSD that led to his jumping out a window to plummet to his death. The family was rewarded $750,000 to settle a lawsuit.

At first the subjects were military personal and chosen members of society taking volunteers and unwitting victims from universities, hospitals, and prisons to study behavior through brain trauma. No one knows the actual count of victims.The program had integrated into society through entertainment by changing its name and purpose as well as its target.  It extended through Project Monarch programming in which those in the entertainment industry left themselves vulnerable to encounter this programming through their affiliations and desire to succeed, making them submit to their handlers. Many are given programming tactics to keep them controlled, especially drugs, as well as programmed suggestions and sexual abuse.

The handlers come in types as trainers, medical physicians, psychological evaluations, and managers who keep close tabs on the performer to steer their behavior and make money for the industry, while subconsciously affecting their young listenership with programmed messages. The subculture has been driven by drugs, rebellion, and sex.

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