BOTHELL, Wa. — A profanity-speaking preacher has lost hundreds in his congregation over his decision to allow open homosexuals to serve in leadership positions, and says he “doesn’t care” what the Bible has to say on the issue.
The Pastor, Ryan Meeks, is the founder of EastLake Community Church in Bothell, Washington, which identifies itself as “an inclusive Christian community where faith is less about a story to be believed as it is a life to be lived.”
In 2015, Meeks announced that he believed a “move of the Spirit” caused him to rethink how he had handled the issue of homosexuality.
“When it came to the conversation around the LGBT community and church policy, or what does the Bible say about homosexuality, I always felt awkward about it. I didn’t want to bring it up,” he explained.
After simply avoiding the controversy of addressing homosexuality, the Pastor since has stepped up boldly to admit that if the Bible condemns homosexuality as sin, he doesn’t care. He doesn’t want to judge and portray to anyone that God will exclude some from heaven for their acts if He is a loving God.