The Russian President Vladimir Putin has shown that he has never been afraid of fighting several opponents on different fronts. Now, it appears that he has a new target in his sights – the Illuminati.
While Putin may have been a product of political influence, and as a member of the KGB may have been programmed, which makes him a member of the Shadow Government, and proponent of the New World Order, he apparently has kicked against the Establishment.
He acts in conflict with the Illuminati, even getting in the way of the New World Order. Allegedly Jacob Rothschild called Putin ‘a traitor to the New World Order.’ In response, it has been claimed that Putin said that he would destroy the shadowy organization. Over the years, Putin has forced out some oligarchs in the pay of the Khazarian Mafia out of the country and into areas such as the City of London.
It is claimed that he has done this to loosen the stranglehold that the Illuminati have held over the Russian economy and major industries since the end of the Cold War. He has also expelled all businesses operating under the Rothschild Banking Group in recent months as he believed that they were playing a positive role in the Russian financial system. He may be moving outside of the realm of domestic concerns and is also thwarting Illuminati operations on the global scale. Even threatening to have his own New World Order.
Russian military’s intervention in Syria and commitment to protecting the ruling party headed by President Al-Assad has torpedoed Illuminati plans to lay a pipeline through the country which would have been operated by their agents.
See Full Article: Putin’s New Promise: ‘I Will Defeat The Illuminati’