Synagogue of Satan | podcast

Synagogue of Satan

The accusation of Synagogue of Satan gets tossed around at anyone who may be suspected as working for Satan, including the Jews as well as the Catholics. But to whom is this term really referring? We discuss the Knights Templar, Freemasons, and Jesuits claims in this episode while we explore the Synagogue of Satan.

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The term Synagogue of Satan appears twice in scripture:

[Rev 2:9 KJV] 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and [I know] the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but [are] the synagogue of Satan.

[Rev 3:9 KJV] 9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Both times it refers to one or so of the 7 Churches established by the early Christians recognized as a legit church. Yet the term indicates some who took on the cover of being Jewish even though they were not. They falsely identified themselves as Jews yet were not.

This refocuses the importance of emphasis on the ethnic bloodline rather than the identity one now has by being the body of Christ under His Israel. It makes the case for authentic claim by one’s bloodline rather than as One New Man as Jew and Gentile together become the body of Christ, one natural and the other grafted in. John 1:12 tells that it is not significant of culture, not of bloodline, of the will of man, nor of the flesh, but only by God.

However even though the term generally referred to the church and those within claiming false authenticity, many equate this term to ANY group who is antichrist, especially the Jews as that charge. The Jews would be natural and actually would rightly BE Jew in that case. But the term refers to those who SAY they are Jews but ARE NOT. So is this wrongly placed on the Jewish Banking Elite?

A couple things can explain this. If the identity of Jew is true, then it is not the classic charge of being Jew yet are not, because the accused is rightly truly a Jew. However, if we consider the true Jew ONLY those who are in Christ as the One New Man, then that one claims to be Jewish yet is not considered a spiritual Jew.

But is that what they man? Most who are pinned on this claim do not even identify as of the Christian Church, which the first claim was charged as by Jesus. Those they pin the label on are not even making a Christian claim, they are overly Jewish bankers who regard Judaism and perhaps Kabbalah, with hatred towards Christianity. So this label on them may be misused.

The label of a “Jew yet who is not” perhaps could more correctly apply to those sects of Christianity who falsely claim a bloodline. We are speaking of the Gnostics of Freemasonry, the Jesuits, and the Secret Societies.

Knights Templar

Templar families: Godfrey de Bouillon from Frankish Kings inspired Hugh de Payen, Geoffrey de St Omer of the Priory of Sion/Gnosticism.

de Bouillon assumed elected ‘Ruler of Jerusalem’, the King of Jerusalem because he was of the so-called sacred line of the Merovingian bloodline. Frankish Kings who claimed rights to Jerusalem and recognized as successors of the Western Roman Empire.

The claim for the “King of Jerusalem” title became the motive for claim of Jewish lineage. Rome also intermarrying into Jewish bloodlines.

The Merovingian Bloodline claims to come from the line of the wandering lost tribe of Benjamin to Germany and the Franks through the children from the illicit affair between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Since the illicit affair doesn’t exist, neither do the children, therefore the claim is a fabricated deception.

Marie Saint Claire married into de Payen in which came the Sinclair Grail families. Upon demise of the Templars in 1314, Sinclair fled to Scotland to hide under Robert de Bruce. Other Templars fled to Spain.


Some claim that the Jews formed Freemasonry. My research shows that it was Henry Sinclar who organized the Stone Mason Guild to form the Free Masons in Scotland.

Earliest Freemason document is from 1390 claiming an organization of Stone Masons

Operative Stone Masons built Cathedrals for the Roman Church, as well as mastered in complex architecture. Their claim was inherited Gnostic knowledge from predecessors of masons handed down from The Temple of Solomon builder Hiram Abif. Therefore an allegory of claim comes from Jewish allegory in formulas of numbers (math) and symbols in forming codes of communication using Kabbalah, and a basis for a narrative. However, also was a claim for Egyptian allegory in the building of ancient pyramids, thus adopting Egyptian Mysticism. And then a claim of its predecessors in the Tower of Babel, for Babylonian Mysticism.

Freemasons believe in the salvation of Gnosticism having been “enlightened” (seeking the light). Knowledge includes ancient texts of secret formulas, incantations, and practices (rituals) which would incorporate a conglomerate philosophy of religions. (JAHBULON). It is Jewish. But it is also Babylonian and it is Egyptian.

The practices have led to a sect of Masonry that is “speculative.” This is the non-stone mason skill that allows those within who only desire to acquire the allegorical aspects. A network as such recruits those who gain opportunities, networks, and gain influence while learning the meaning of the codes and symbols. To the outsider it boasts “a membership in which makes good men better.”

The fact calling it a Temple enough to claim Jewish origins? Or its model Hiran Abif? Or usage of Kabbalah? Albert Pike said without Kabbalah you cannot have Freemasonry and that it is Jewish. However, that doesn’t make it solely a Jewish Secret Society, nor it doesn’t convert its members to Judaism as it does use the allegorical examples of mysticism from all ancient religions. In places of Muslims, it claims a Muslim origin. It is also Protestant in opposition to the Counter-Reformation Jesuits. It has no claim to religion, though stated every Lodge is a Temple of religion. It has interest in occultism and mysticism that is rooted in Egyptian allegory, Babylonian witchcraft, Jewish Kabbalah, and Rosicrucian mysticism. It serves as a means to use its influence to transfer one’s faith to the faith of Masonry, the religion of Gnosticism, who’s doctrine of salvation is through knowledge.

Fremasonry had a falling out with Catholicism. In 1864 Pius IX in his Syllabus of Errors claimed Freemasonry was the Synagogue of Satan.


Spain Illuminati Los Alumbrados influenced the Jesuits. In absence of the Templars presence, 10 from the Black Nobility families founded the Jesuits after the Jesuats of Rome. A Jewish Crypto-Jew Society? In a past episode we went through the lineage and origins of the Jesuits.

The Jesuits were masters of disguise hiding behind other faiths for the purpose of the cause (the end justifies the means). The infusion of the Jewish narrative could just as well come by their deception using a bit of truth of a converso claim rather than actually being significant enough to rival it. It is hardly acceptable that a Jew would support a Christian sect, let alone run it. However, the Jewish influence also is not denied as more Jews may have inserted themselves to gain leverage.

However, if considering the Roman Catholic Church is identified as one of those false 7 Churches, as claiming a Christian origin, it could rightly be calssified as a Synagogue of Satan if those in it have a claim of Jewish bloodline who are not.

Crypto Jews/ Conversos, Marranos

The Synagogue of Satan has been ascribed to this covert plot of Pharisaical Jewish Rabbis to infiltrate through subversive means the Secret Societies to take them over and control Vatican, Freemasonry, and the Jesuits. This came about through the lines said to have been buried in Spain. But ascribing such as the Synagogue of Satan is not an approach application.

Ashkenzi Germanic Jewish tribes claim a bloodline from Jewish origins, yet no real evidence of any genetics outside the Khazar regions can be proven absolutely. Still a sketchy claim.

Secret Societies of Jews?

Jews had to be emancipated  back into Secret Societies at a time when they recognized their common interests.

Each of these Secret Societies may have Jewish aspects, as Albert Pike said aspects of Freemasonry are rooted in contemporary Judaism, but we also see Egyptian mysticism, Babylonian practices, and Christian allegory. Each regards Mysticism and the secrets of the symbols and numbers (Gematria), as well as have a common goal to deny Christ’s divinity and messiahship,

The claim is that the Jews run the Secret Societies. But they root from ancient Mystery Schools in Babylon and Egypt – non-Jewish origins, even if they adopt Jewish claim as to have the rights to the holy.Their common enemy is Christianity and each has its place to disrupt the Christian name. Also keep in mind not all Masons are Jewish. The York Rite are strictly Christian and not Jewish.

Each may have led their own purpose and oftentimes clashed in confrontation. But all in all the common goals kept them weaving in and out.

The Elite Oligarchy (Illuminati Bloodlines) have their agents within Freemasonry, the Rosicrucians, the Jesuits and any significant Secret Society. It has also controlled organized Jewry for controlling the tension between Jew and Gentile.

The Jesuits for Communism and globalism through the Catholic Church, Jews through the Sanhedrin Noahide Law, and Masonry through its NWO. Each has the common goal of universalism, Luciferianism, and demise of Christianity.

Jews were used as a financial sector by the Illuminati, while Masons the business, political, and religious (going where Jesuits could not). The Jews were financiers and the blame for banking, even though a majority are Gentile corporations. The ideas was a centralized banking system in which to globalize the world for a One World Government.

Anti-Semitism may have been a tool to assume to protect the Jewish revision, yet still put blame on them as a means to continue tension of segregation.

The Jews have been used for such blame, therefore The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was created in October 1913 under bankers Rothschild, Warburg, and Schiff to minimize predictable criticism and provide a granted release through the case for discrimination. It only furthered the segregation and ignited further blame on the ethnic group.

If you call out the lies from the false religion of Judaism or if you expose their wickedness, you’re an anti-semite. If you point out how the majority of Jews are a Christ rejecting and blasphemous people, you’re an anti-semite. So that term is not only used to falsely protect Jews, but also to charge those who oppose the Zionist movement as a legal charge against those accusers.

My conclusion is that not everyone is of the Synagogue of Satan, but everyone opposing Christ may be under the delusion of Satan.

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