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When Celebrities Proclaim Jesus

January 13, 2024 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Recently we heard a few reports of famous people proclaiming a dedication to Jesus Christ. Kat Von D announced she is now on fire for Jesus when interviewed by Christians. Some question the authenticity of her conversion since she was involved in Satanic themes. However, one’s past does not exempt [READ MORE]

Strange Religion… Kanye West | podcast

Strange Religion… Kanye West | podcast

November 27, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss Kanye West and his weird cult religion that dresses in white robes that attracts celebrities like Justin Beiber and Marilyn Manson. Is this Christianity? Listen to “Strange Religion… Kanye West” on Spreaker. People can claim to be Christian, but do they actually show the characteristics [READ MORE]

Satanic Performers | podcast

Satanic Performers | podcast

April 24, 2021 Jim Duke Perspective 0

We discuss the movement in entertainment of Satanic references and imagery that is now cool. Performers such as Lil Nas, as well as Lady Gaga and others have shown a taste for the dark side. We reveal the reason. And also outline true Satanism and its characteristics that doesn’t necessarily [READ MORE]