Shocking Inside of MK Ultra Mind Control

Shocking Inside of MK Ultra Mind Control

August 8, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The government operation known as MK Ultra Mind Control program is still going on today through other names. What impact does it have and how has it affected society as a whole? Jim and his co-host Bob Nietupski will examine its roots, spiritual connection, and influence on society. Many are [READ MORE]

Witchcraft in Modern Society

Witchcraft in Modern Society

May 24, 2015 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Witchcraft in Modern Society – #036 Witchcraft once thought to be an ancient practice involving mysticism, spell-casting, and worship of nature is going on in our modern society under a different form. You have seen it hidden in plain view. This episode reveals the practice in our modern times practiced right in [READ MORE]