Vatican Forced to Defend Against Sex Crimes

Vatican Forced to Defend Against Sex Crimes

July 7, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After Vatican police have raided a cardinal’s apartment where a drug-fuelled homosexual orgy was taking place, the public is becoming more and more aware of what goes on behind closed doors of some of the most highly influential officials. Especially a religious Order that is the Mother of the religious [READ MORE]

Pedogate: Pedophilia Ring Exposed | PODCAST

Pedogate: Pedophilia Ring Exposed | PODCAST

July 1, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Recently officials have been busy taking down child sex rings. California has arrested a number of clergy and high profile Elitists in a recent sting. And Hollywood has come out and admitted that this is prominent in the Hollywood entertainment scene. Podesta emails opened doors to reveal more behind the [READ MORE]

Mystery of Secret Societies

Mystery of Secret Societies

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The mysterious conspiracy of Secret Societies running the world has been a suspicion for centuries, and even millenniums. The idea that a Society having the influence to develop the systems and to run the aspects of our social and religious lives, even the world is too vast for some to [READ MORE]

The Deception of Satan

The Deception of Satan

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Satan has deceived man to keep him from the gospel. The gospel is clearly offered, yet many are blinded from it (2 Cor 4:4). Because Satan has presented a deception that is enticing to satisfy our rebellious spirit. His first attempt was as a Serpent to deceive Eve and entice [READ MORE]

Revealing Trump’s Illuminati Bloodline

Revealing Trump’s Illuminati Bloodline

June 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many have claimed Trump is an Illuminati. But only that he must be without knowing the actual connections, or tracing his genealogy. The Illuminati we speak of is not a membership organization, but is a tracing of bloodlines that go back to days of antiquity. The Illuminates believe they have [READ MORE]

Media Is Owned by 6 Corporations

Media Is Owned by 6 Corporations

May 21, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Someone asked me if FOX News was a true opposing network against the Liberal media. Since all the Liberal media is against them, and some try to shut it down, they assume that they are anti-Establishment. There are several layers of this. FOX is owned by Rupert Murdock and 21st [READ MORE]

Trump Has Admitted He is a Globalist

Trump Has Admitted He is a Globalist

April 30, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

For some time I have been warning that Trump is appeasing both sides. He campaigned that he is a Nationalist and will put America first to “Make America Great Again.” But he has shown another side as he drafted globalists to his administration, such as billionaire son-in-law Jared Kushner, who [READ MORE]

The Great Conspiracy

The Great Conspiracy

April 22, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

When people hear the term Conspiracy Theory, several thoughts are conjured in their mind. They think of things like paranoia, nutcase, crazy, and tin-foil hat. However, while many scoff at such suggestion, there are real conspiracies that have been dismissed by some. The reason is because they are too unimaginable to [READ MORE]

New Age Progression

New Age Progression

April 22, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The New Age is a concept that was coined after the beliefs of the Theosophical Society founded upon the principles of Helena Blavatsky in 1877. Blavatsky was cited as being a mystic, Satanist, witch, and Luciferian occultist. In her books Isis Unveiled (1877) and The Secret Doctrine (1888), Blavatsky claimed that [READ MORE]

Jesuit Infiltration for Globalization

Jesuit Infiltration for Globalization

April 22, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

People are aware of the prestigious claim to be of a Jesuit school or of those having Jesuit training. While many colleges boast of such high claim, few know the dark secrets of Jesuits and what they intend. The Jesuit Oath of Induction is a recorded document still filed in [READ MORE]

Mandela Effect Delusion

Mandela Effect Delusion

April 16, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many have been taken by this phenomenon called “Mandela Effect” that started when a New Ager Fiona Broome discovered at a conference that several had similar memory of Nelson Mandela dying in prison to find out he was released and died only a few years ago. Other seemingly suspected “crossovers” [READ MORE]

Propaganda For War

Propaganda For War

April 15, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Find out in this episode how propaganda is used to provoke war and get the compliance of citizens to justify its necessity. We have been indoctrinated for war in certain circumstances that extend well beyond the defense and protection of our own nation. The wars and rumors of war today [READ MORE]

Should Christians Practice Yoga?

Should Christians Practice Yoga?

April 3, 2017 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Is Yoga about exercise or is it spirituality? If “Yoga” means to be “yoked,” who are you yoking with? The scripture says to not be unequally yoked. We explain why Christians should not practice true Yoga. Source: Should Christians Practice Yoga? | Jim Duke Perspective