After WWI, the Elite tried to suggest the nations accept policies of peace through an agency called “The League of Nations.” After Congress rejected it, the orchestrators went back to propose another less threatening agency, but having the same goal in mind.
In 1919 Colonel House met in Paris with members of a British “secret society” called The Round Table in order to form an organization whose job it would be to propagandize the citizens of America, England and Western Europe on the glories of World Government. The big selling point, of course, was “peace,” especially after WWI.
The Round Table organization in England was developed by Cecil Rhodes for a “new world order.” Rhodes, influenced by the plans of Adam Weishaupt and the Illuminati, stated his ambitions to: ‘The extension of British rule through out the world… the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the interests of humanity.’ Upon this premise, Rhodes recruited students by establishing the Rhodes Scholarships. Techniques of the Illuminati have long been recognized as models for Communist methodology. Weishaupt also used the structure of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits) as his model, and rewrote his Code in Masonic terms.
In 1921 a think tank of Elite formed into a Council in which would have the same goal for a New World Order. This think tank came to be called the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and acted as a secret government of Elite control.
Because of the Council’s single-minded dedication to studying and deliberating American foreign policy, there was a constant flow of its members from private to public service. Almost half of the Council members have been invited to assume official government positions or to act as consultants at one time or another.
Eventually Congress accepted the United Nations in 1945 after WWII. The U.N. was developed by members of the CFR, who were Leftists for a New World Order, many of which were Luciferian Theosophists.
The CFR consisted of Financial Banking Elite, as well as wealthy corporate owners, in industry and media, top educators, entertainers, and clergy leaders. What has kept them out of public suspicion? When the world’s top sources of information are members of this group, is it any wonder how they keep their activities private?
Today the CFR remains active in working toward its final goal of a government over all the world-a government which the Insiders and their allies will control. The goal of the C.F.R. is simply to abolish the United States with its Constitutional guarantees of liberty. And they don’t even try to hide it. Even admitting it is a Socialist plan.
But the New World Order is a Luciferian agenda for One World Government under Lucifer as its head. And with it an ecumenical One World Religion. The Popes have supported this, and the U.N. hold the policies of the World Council of Churches (WCC).
Then we must ask why Rick Warren, Saddleback Pastor and author of Purpose Driven Church, which many churches model, is a member. Because the churches are being led to a watered-down ecumenical gospel that is compromising, worldly, and is not the original true gospel received by Paul and offered by Jesus Christ. One that avoids godly repentance and is carnal. Easily acceptable and compatible with world religions. #cfr#newworldorder #adamweishaupt #cecilrhodes