Israel and Palestine

Israel and Palestine

December 26, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Jews have always occupied Jerusalem except when being driven out. Other than that it was primarily Jewish with many Jewish occupants. And the promise of God was that it was the land of the Israelites and Jews. It still serves as a barometer (time piece so to speak) of [READ MORE]

Wars and the Two-Faced God

Wars and the Two-Faced God

December 25, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The Masonic image of the two headed eagle (which could also be a Phoenix) has deeper roots than just that which we see. Janus, the Two-Faced God of War, represents the two-faced purpose of the Masonic Order in the esoteric (hidden) and exoteric (public) expressions. This can represent the double-meaning [READ MORE]

The Economist’s “The World in 2017” Makes Grim Predictions Using Cryptic Tarot Cards – The Vigilant Citizen – Symbols Rule the World

The Economist’s “The World in 2017” Makes Grim Predictions Using Cryptic Tarot Cards – The Vigilant Citizen – Symbols Rule the World

December 18, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The influential publication The Economist released its traditional end of year edition where it predicts events of the coming year. The 2017 edition makes Grim Predictions Using Cryptic Tarot Cards See story: The Economist’s “The World in 2017” Makes Grim Predictions Using Cryptic Tarot Cards – The Vigilant Citizen – [READ MORE]

New World Order Exposed

New World Order Exposed

December 17, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The world is in shambles. Nations war against nations, a new threat of terrorism has developed requiring the countries to tighten its security, and economic turmoil still looms. The environment is struggling as an agency is relied upon to regulate the available resources on the earth. And the Elite continue [READ MORE]

The Mystery Of 666

The Mystery Of 666

December 17, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

[Rev 13:18 KJV] 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six. People are looking for the symbolism of the mysterious 666 in a man. They look [READ MORE]

The Luciferian Network

The Luciferian Network

December 16, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many now know of the mysterious Elite group known as the Illuminati. My article Who Are the Illuminati explains the basics of this Secret Society. But behind the Illuminati is is a vast network working to rule physical earth, at the same time controlling principalities and powers in the spiritual [READ MORE]

Internet Ownership? CERN and its Influence

Internet Ownership? CERN and its Influence

December 10, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Despite the claim, Al Gore did not invent the Internet. Matter of fact, the concept was developed by a man named Vannevar Bush (no relation, even though Gore might get upset by it). Bush was working for the government at the time, but didn’t develop it for the government. However, they [READ MORE]

Vain Philosophies Are Not The Solution

Vain Philosophies Are Not The Solution

December 10, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many will say to me, “You Bible thumping Jesus believers think your God is the only way and the only answer despite others gods and religions and philosophies out there…” The short answer is… “Yes we do.” Why is it they think THEIR belief is the solution? Why is it [READ MORE]

“Pizzagate” Pedophilia Scandal

“Pizzagate” Pedophilia Scandal

December 7, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Social media had been saturated by news of the biggest pedophile scandals in modern history. The scandal, known as “Pizzagate,” threatens to implicate some of the most powerful and influential politicians of our age. Social media sites such as Reddit and 4Chan, uncovered the scandal through the Wikileaks Podesta emails, in [READ MORE]

George Washington Warned of the Illuminati

George Washington Warned of the Illuminati

December 4, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

During 1798 a Reverend, G.W. Snyder, wrote several letters to George Washington warning about his concerns of this infamous Secret Society known as the Illuminati penetrating into the United States Masonic Lodges. He sent Washington a book exposing this group and their intentions outlined by John Robison, entitled Proofs of [READ MORE]

The Establishment

The Establishment

December 4, 2016 Jim Duke Perspective 0

After WWI, the Elite tried to suggest the nations accept policies of peace through an agency called “The League of Nations.” After Congress rejected it, the orchestrators went back to propose another less threatening agency, but having the same goal in mind. In 1919 Colonel House met in Paris with [READ MORE]