The Wise of This World | podcast


In this episode we discuss the wise of this world and how as intellectual they seem, are still bound to wisdom of the world. The New Age gurus who say they have a spirituality only have a worldy spirituality. They are unable to receive the spirituality to know god unless they have God’s Spirit.

Listen to “The Wise Men of This Age” on Spreaker.

Of whom do we get wisdom from in this world? Often we regard those philosophers as wise men. But do we consider their worldview of where their ideology comes?

1Cor 2 in the Bible tells of these men who get their wisdom from a fleshly place, not knowing spirituality, but seeming as if they do. Only to the undiscerning can they be regarded as wise. Their influence comes from a place grounded in the world and is earthly, not divine.

The philosophies can come from Gnostics, Masons, even New Age gurus who claim they have obtained a form of spirituality. But true wisdom and spirituality cannot be known through the wisdom of men. Theirs is a counterfeit to knowing a true Creator God who personally interacts with His created.

We have Priests of religion claiming to have a link to God, yet they too only carry authority of the religion (Catholicism mostly) and not truly have a relationship with God.

Some regarded philosophers of the ancient times up to now name:

John Locke
Immanuel Kant
Bertrand Russell

But these know little about God, nor understand true Christianity. How can they know wisdom from above?

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