In this episode the facade of the Deep State feud with Trump is explained and exposed. Israel celebrates its 70 years as a nation. What kind of nation is that? The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem marks an era and recognizes Jerusalem as its Capitol. The meaning of the U.S. and Israel unity.
The perception that Trump is an outsider of the Establishment:
- War on Fake News
- FBI Investigation
- Deep State Resistance
What is a common of these entities, and the controlling factor? Even that of the position of President and control over government? If the same Oligarchy that controls each also controls the directives of the Office of President, it is evident this war between Trump and the Deep State is merely a facade.
And now Trump has declared the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. The same Oligarchy controlling the Deep State are behind Israel as well. So this move is in line with the agenda of the New World Order.
My first thought on this is that this move is an alliance between the Zionist State of Israel for a New Jerusalem, and the Freemason world headquarters of America for the New Atlantis. Both towards the agenda of the New World Order.
In perspective:
- Who runs the banking interests and wealth?
- Who controls media?
- Who leverages the seats of power, even the Office of U.S. Presidency?
- Who runs the political powers of the CFR, Deep State, and Shadow Government?
- Why purchased the rights to Jerusalem and developed the Zionist State of Israel?
The common element is the Rothschilds and the Illuminati. They would not let this eager thorn in their side, Trump, to overthrow their centuries of planning. And will ensure the agenda is under control according to their system. And it was the Rothschilds who funded Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, for the drafting of the New World Order in 1776.
Pretribulation Rapture Interpretation Expired
Christian Zionism pointed to the establishment of Israel as a fulfillment in prophecy. It makes an interpretation of Matthew 24 when Jesus said the fig leaves would appear to mean that Israel would become a nation. In that passage, Jesus remarked that THIS generation when that happened would NOT pass before the other events unfolded. And the doctrine of Pretribulation Rapture assumes that BEFORE the expiration of that generation of the time, the Christian church would be “raptured” in the air for God to focus on Israel after a long gap, to fulfill a missing 70th week (7 year period) of Daniel (Dan 9:27).
Israel became a nation in 1948. A generation in the Bible is 40 years. What happened in 1988 when a generation ended? Nothing happened. So prophecy scholars reinterpreted a generation for 70 years (a bit of an extended stretch). Now that May 14, 2018 passed (70 years past the date of Israel) that interpretation ALSO expired. So what are Bible prophecy experts claiming? They are taking into account a Jubilee of 50 years to give us a new fulfillment within 120 years. How long will they continue to reinvent the prophecy interpretation?
Also a mention of the Santa Fe Shooting
And the Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, a supposed regular person having no former Royal connection. We trace her ancestry for a brief example why her family line is connected.