Two U.S. Constitutions | podcast

The Constitution

In this episode we discuss two Constitutions, one of Independence and rights of the people, the second of the District of Columbia. We find that the reason politicians can skirt around the rights of the people and the Constitution is because there is one that is binding under the USA of America.

Listen to “Two U.S. Constitutions” on Spreaker.

We found that the ones accredited for the Declaration of Independence are not who truly influenced it. Other players had been involved in influencing its purpose, wording, and intent. Some mysterious figures appeared at the Committee who were unnamed.

Act of 1871

41st Congress, Section 34, Session III, chapters 61,62
To provide the government for the District of Columbia to save the bankrupt U.S. after the Civil War to make a deal with the International Bankers to form a corporation called the United States of America Inc. now owned by foreign interests making the original Constitution anulled.
“The Constitution FOR United States of America” to “The Constitution OF the United States of America.” The new Constitution is one for the corporation. It doesn’t serve the people, but the corporation.

Some will claim that a second Constitution upon the initiation of Washington D.C. governs the Nation-State and those whom it governs over, the people of the United States. The second has superseded the first that gives it precedence over its affairs if enforced.


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