In this episode we share related technology and developments for usage of vaccines and microchipping, surveillance, and injection of monitoring mechanisms for the New World Order.
We look at microchip technology, LUCIFERase delivery injection into our DNA for digital micro needles embedded in our skin, Biometric ID, and Digital Certificates.
Will vaccines be mandatory? We suspect they will be, as well as a means to deliver surveillance and monitoring each person. At least that is their plans they admit.
– The military will distribute the vaccine once available
– Volunteer unless emergency constitutes mandate
– Bill Gates and the Elite want depopulation, vaccines assure that goal
– Biosecurity and Politics
– Microchips injected through vaccines
– Biometric ID experiments in India under AADHAAR written under ID4D of the United Nations, now morphed into ID2020 by development of GAVI Alliance.
– Luciferase enzyme to deliver neon diodes into the DNA through microneedles via tattoo inserted in the hand or forehead
– Contact tracing and digital certificates to certify citizens
Whether or not this technology will be allowed to progress, these are the facts of research Gates, Soros, Rockefellers, and Rothschilds fund to look into.
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