Which Secret Society Is On Top?

Many ask me which Secret Society is top dog. I am going to reveal it here.

The Freemasons are well known for their community presence, and also their sketchy secret meaning. Some inside deeply involved have knowledge of esoteric meaning and rituals. Members have a hand in business, law, and politics, though Adept levels gain access to a higher agenda that permeates into other societies. Some think Freemasonry is controlled at the top by Jesuits. Some Jesuits cross boundaries into other Societies.

The Jesuits are fairly influential having hijacked Vatican and run the affairs of the political/religious Order. Even making a reputation in education and sciences. Since Rome was considered the lasting Empire of end times, it is believed to be the long lasting system of the Antichrist. And because the Order that governs the Papacy through the Black Pope behind the scenes as Superior General of Vatican, even controlling the visible White Pope, many put the Jesuits on the top as the Mother of all Secret Societies.

Maybe the Zionist Order as some believe hold top position. The Jews considered the Synagogue of Satan must be controlling things since they run the banks as many think. When we realize they are a façade for something deeper, we have a better perspective of finding who gives the orders. First of all, not all Zionists are Jewish. It is more just a political/religious organization. Secondly not all banks are owned by Jews. The Royal families also have financial power. As does the Italian Black Nobility. Matter of fact, Zionist Rothschilds have been granted “Guardian of Vatican Treasure,” as financiers of the Jesuit treasure. Jews have been an easy scapegoat for further distraction to target attention away from other groups.

Then that notorious name Illuminati, which creeps up. Perhaps certain bloodlines claim right to this world, and vow to acquire it. Yet no one seems to be able to pinpoint their existence. And they fade into obscurity into a saturation of disinformation and fantasy. Some think the Freemasons are the Illuminati. Others claim the Jesuits founded it.

So which is on top? Secret Societies are like fraternities. While inner secrets are kept in each that separate them, they are linked at the top. One thing shared is esoteric knowledge. Another is the sworn secrecy. But we find that many have a Luciferian doctrine in common. Allegory to enlightenment and claim of right for the title of Supremacy.

Eventually one may be risen to power to represent the antichrist system for the spirit of Lucifer to work within. He may be a Jesuit. He may be Illuminati. But He will operate through the system of the Beast and will be possessed by the spirit of antichrist, which Lucifer will control.

So who is at top? Remember, scripture says we wrestle not flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 12).

It says it is the god of this world, Satan, who is in charge and blinds the eyes of us from the glory of the gospel (2Cor 4:4).

And it is Lucifer who challenged God to weaken the nations, rule the stars of heaven, and sit on the throne of the Most High (Isahah 14).

The truth is, the Secret Societies are only mere groups in which the principalities operate. At the top are spiritual powers, rulers of darkness, Satan himself. And he works through secrecy, through the workers of iniquity, enticing with pride and lust. Oppressing the people and stealing their heritage (Micah 2:1-3). And it doesn’t matter which Secret Society has the most control – at the moment. Only we like to know which is operating at a specific time in a particular  place of the agenda.

In the big picture, they are insignificant to the actual powers controlling them, and desiring to corrupt this world and take as many souls with them in the process. I think ultimately they hope to keep this world and prevent Jesus Christ from destroying it to bringing them to their final judgment, thinking they can out-master Almighty God. And they will attempt to collaborate and unite under the Beast (Rev 17).

However, those verses mentioned tell the outcome. Lucifer will be diminished and sent into the fire. The nations will be judged and destroyed. The Elite will cry to the rocks and trees to save them from the Lamb. God laughs at them and will have them in derision as He will vexes them. And He will save His people from the hand of their oppressors.


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