A whistleblower, previous CDC chief Robert Redfield, admitted that COVID-19 was an intentionally motivated biodefense weapon put on the citizens. While he says he doesn’t have the absolute proof, it is highly suspected based on his experience as CDC chief and rubbing shoulders with the experts.
Listen to “Whistleblower Admits COVID Intentionally Engineered as a Bioweapon” on Spreaker.
Many players have been accused of orchestrating an elaborate plan to either set up a fake hysteria for society to bow at their feet, or to have weaponized a virus and unleash it into the population to set off an opportunity to control us.
Accused suspects are:
- Anthony Fauci
- Bill Gates
- George Soros
- Rockefellers
- Rothschilds
Conspiracy theories spanned from:
- No virus at all, it was all a hoax
- Intentional release of a virus in Wuhan China as a threat to the U.S.
- A domestic threat blamed on China
- 5G causing reaction blaming it on an unrelated scapegoat
Early suspicions passed it off as an imaginary symptom placebo that the hype caused more alarm than necessary. Then we agreed sickness was present, however we thought maybe an unnatural infection that became blurred into the common flu season. But we also had in mind a possible bioweapon released for some impact, whether to fuel perception of a pandemic, or population reduction, or just to measure tolerance. Either would have been accepted.
However, many of us settled on the notion that the pandemic was a release of a bioweapon (bioDefense) to make some sort of impact on society and cause hysteria. That way more measures and overreach by government would have justification. If at the very least, we have stuck on that possibility.
Like Redfield, we don’t have absolute proof, but we do have evidence leading towards a conclusion of the possibility. We have to go on speculation based on forensic investigation to determine cause, motive, and result to make connections towards our conclusion.