Urgency of End Times | podcast

Urgency of End Times | podcast

February 28, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Every age suspected that they were in End Times, from the disciples to today. Along the way, many signs had assumed that it was the era in which they were born, pointing to certain signs and probable fulfillment, as forces moved in against believers in persecution, and imprisoned many, or [READ MORE]

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About the Sacred Name Claim

February 26, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Sacred name argument is a facade and distraction. Mostly coming into the modern day since 1937 by an enthusiastic OC Dodd who envied the Seventh Day Adventists with its exclusive Sabbath message, and the Jehovah Witness and their exclusive claim of the proper name (Englishized from Yahweh) to start the [READ MORE]

Presidents and the Illuminati | podcast

Presidents and the Illuminati | podcast

February 18, 2019 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Our history is not always as we have learned. Many regard the founding Presidents; Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and even administrators as Benjamin Franklin, as Conservative godly men who have been influenced by the Christian faith and were themselves Christians. However in documents about them we see a different account. One [READ MORE]