COVID-19 Red-Pilled | James Perloff

COVID-19 Red-Pilled | James Perloff

May 9, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

  (For those who might not know, “red-pilled” is a metaphor adapted from the 1999 film The Matrix. Taking the “red pill” means to awaken to reality; taking the “blue pill” means to continue living in… This article is a must see by James Perloff. It does a good job [READ MORE]

Awakening of the Masses through COVID-19 Psyop

Awakening of the Masses through COVID-19 Psyop

May 9, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

Many contradictions question the “plandemic” mandates. Saving lives is the biggest emotional trigger that tugs on the heart of citizens to want to save their fellow person. However, we cannot quarantine for every supposed illness and prevent sickness. If that was the aim, what did we do in previous years [READ MORE]

COVID-19 Deception and Conspiracy Exposed

COVID-19 Deception and Conspiracy Exposed

May 2, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

An agenda or true concern? We were warned of this extraordinary super flu season with threat of the Wuhan flu, labeled nCOVID-19, then reduced to simply COVID-19. The name since swapped to the more common Coronavirus. This is a cunning deception of switching the description to bait the public into [READ MORE]