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COVID-19 Fake Pandemic

June 13, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The #COVID-19 fraud has led to much disinformation and wrongful conclusions as the medical professionals were coaxed into labeling as many cases as possible as COVID related despite conditions. Many cases were written as COVID-19. Cases do NOT indicate actual proof, only as listed. And this determined by observational conclusions, [READ MORE]

U.N. Luciferian Connection | podcast

U.N. Luciferian Connection | podcast

June 7, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we explore the esoteric aspects and Luciferian connections of the United Nations. They have affiliations deeply rooted in Lucis Trust, who are a Luciferian organization teaching doctrines of Lucifer. Lucis Trust is an organization founded by Alice Bailey in 1922 as Lucifer Publishing Company. They published esoteric [READ MORE]

Vaccine Surveillance and Monitoring | podcast

Vaccine Surveillance and Monitoring | podcast

June 7, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we share related technology and developments for usage of vaccines and microchipping, surveillance, and injection of monitoring mechanisms for the New World Order. We look at microchip technology, LUCIFERase delivery injection into our DNA for digital micro needles embedded in our skin, Biometric ID, and Digital Certificates. [READ MORE]