Kabbalah and Talmud Influence

Kabbalah and Talmud Influence

August 29, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The mystery and claim of the Kabbalah leads to much confusion. The idea is that Kabbalah proves that those of Secret Societies who regard such must be Jewish since the Jews have the claim of Kabbalah by their rabbis and from the source it claims. Kabbalah means “to receive and [READ MORE]

NWO Consciousness | podcast

NWO Consciousness | podcast

August 7, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we explain how truthers unwittingly expose the plan of the NWO Elitists, while the Elitists use it for their public awareness. They may cunningly be using our whistleblowing for their promotion. Listen to “NWO Consciousness” on Spreaker. The Truther Community makes its boast of being “awake” and [READ MORE]

Two U.S. Constitutions | podcast

Two U.S. Constitutions | podcast

August 7, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

In this episode we discuss two Constitutions, one of Independence and rights of the people, the second of the District of Columbia. We find that the reason politicians can skirt around the rights of the people and the Constitution is because there is one that is binding under the USA [READ MORE]

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The Virus Narrative is Fabricated

August 7, 2020 Jim Duke Perspective 0

The whole narrative of virology spewed on the public has been fabricated and falsely recorded and submitted. The medical journals have articles and entries mostly only allowed by politically motivated participants funded by their very one Foundations and agencies like the NIH that confirm the approved narrative. If people really [READ MORE]